Providing Exponential Learning

Medical Facilities  
Medical Guidance
The school has a well equipped Medical rooms with a full-time qualified doctor and trained nurses. First aid is provided during school hours as and when necessary. The school conducts regular check-ups of the students during the academic year. Co-operation of parents is sought to ensure the health and hygiene of the children.  Parents are requested to fill up the Medical Card in the Almanac.
 All parents are requested to impart health education to their children so that they:
a) maintain personal hygiene like: trimming of nails, regular hair cuts, etc.
b) sleep 8 hours a day.
c) exercise daily.
d) have a balanced diet.
e) drink water which is either boiled or filtered.
f) avoid consumption of ice-creams, other milk products and eatables from roadside vendors.
Parents should also immunise children against the following:
a) BCG
b) DPT (to be completed before entry to school.)
c) Oral Polio
d) Measles/MMT
e) Tetanus-Booster dose to be given between the age of 7-16 years and when required.
f) Typhoid every 2/3 years (Oral/injections).
g) Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B
h) Meningitis, Chicken Pox.
Students suffering from infectious diseases like Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies, etc. should not come to school until they are clear of the infection and carry a fitness certificate from the doctor.  Students suffering from chronic diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, Rheumatic heart disease etc. are advised to be under continuous Medical Supervision of a Specialist. History of their illness must be filled up in the Almanac, along with the treatment being taken. They should inform the school doctor/nurse & concerned Supervisory Heads.
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DELHI - 110052
Ph: 011-47091581, 011-47091582
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://.khms.ac.in

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