Providing Exponential Learning

Transport Information  

Transport Rules

  • The school transport is the safest mode of transport for the student. Students can avail the school transport subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are framed keeping in mind the needs of the students and they should consult the Transport In-charge for details.
  •  The School does not take the responsibility for providing bus facility to all areas.
  • No queries will be entertained for changing the existing bus routes, stops and for extension of routes.
  • The transport fee is determined by the distance a student travels. Please note that the distance in kilometers (km) is measured according to the route taken by the bus.
  • Transport fee will be charged for 11 months in a year. The amount is payable along with the school fees on a quarterly basis. Parents have the option to pay the fees on monthly basis.
  • A written application must be given one month in advance, to discontinue the transport facility and the dues for the month of withdrawal must be paid.
  • In case of any change of a temporary or permanent nature, in transport pickup/ drop point or transport route of any student, permission for the same has to be sought by writing an application to the Principal.
  • School reserves the right to deny the use of the bus to any student at any time and to change or to cancel any particular route, when necessary.


Bus Discipline Rules

  • Parents are requested not to enter the school bus to see off and receive their wards.
  • Parents should not try to overtake and stop the school bus to facilitate the boarding of their wards as this endangers the safety of the bus and its occupants.
  • Parents should not argue with the teacher present in the bus or the Conductor/Driver. If there is any problem, a written complaint may be made to the Transport In-charge.
  • If any parent whose child is availing school transport service wishes to take their ward privately in his/her own transport on a particular day, she/he should inform the Transport In-charge/Class teacher in advance, in writing.
  • All students using the school bus are expected to be on the right side of the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
  • Buses will not wait for late comers.
  • If a student misses his allotted bus he should not try to board any other bus. It is the responsibility of the parents to drop their wards to the school. However, the student shall return by the allotted bus.
  • No student should come near the door of the bus until it has come to a complete halt.
  • The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
  • All students must be seated immediately after boarding their buses. Reservation of seats for co-commuters is not allowed under any circumstances. Seats in the bus will be allotted to the students by the Bus Teacher in order of their bus stop.
  • While the bus is moving, students must not move around in the bus and no part of their body should be outside the bus.
  • Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
  • Unruly behaviour like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited.
  • Courteous behaviour is expected at all times.
  • The driver’s attention must not be distracted for any reason.
  • The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stop only, unless otherwise directed by the Bus Teacher.
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism.
  • The Bus Teachers and Student Bus Monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses.
  • Any serious offence must be reported to the Principal. q Misbehaviour, bullying of students, use of abusive language and failure to abide by bus rules could lead to a student being debarred from using School Transport.

Rules for Non-Bus Students

  • The safety and security of the children is our prime concern. As partners in their holistic growth, it is of prime importance to ensure that every student of the school is safe at all times.
  • The school transport is the safest mode of transportation and has adequate coverage area to facilitate student transportation.
  • It is strongly recommended that parents do not risk the safety of their wards by using stray vans/rickshaws for getting them dropped or picked from the school premises.
  • In case your ward is travelling to school through private conveyance, please ensure that the  van fulfills all safety and security norms.
  • Be very particular that the private conveyance is not overcrowded and is adequately manned by a driver and helper.
  • Verify the antecedents of the driver and maintain a record with his photo ID and address.
  • It is mandatory for van drivers to wear photo ID cards.
  • Please ensure that police verification of the transporter is done.
  • Ensure that the transporter uses language suitable to the tender ears of the young children.
  • Transporters must avoid honking and parking vehicles near the school premises as it creates chaos.
  • Ensure that the private conveyance drops your ward to school not before 7:40 a.m at Senior Wing, 8:00 a.m. at Primary Wing and 8:10 a.m. at Nursery Wing.
  • Ensure that your ward is picked up soon after school closes and is not left to loiter around after school hours.

The transporter must drop and pick up the child from the school gate. Most vehicles park far away and children have to walk to school from that distance and at times cross the road too. Children crossing the road unattended are not the responsibility of the school. The school maintains no connection with any private transporter whatsoever. The use of private conveyance is totally at parents’ discretion. The school may not be held responsible for any untoward incident occurring outside the school premises or in the private conveyance. Children are not allowed to use personal conveyance like scooty/scooter/bikes to commute to school. Driving without license is a punishable act. The school regularly sends circulars to the above effect and parents are requested to give them their full consideration.



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DELHI - 110052
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Website: https://.khms.ac.in

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