Providing Exponential Learning

Curriculum and Evaluation Procedure  

Curriculum & Evaluation Procedure

An activity-based curriculum has been designed keeping in view the age group of the children in each  class and their multiple intelligences. It attempts to promote the overall personality of the child and is planned to help each child enjoy his schooling and develop his individual potential. The traditional emphasis laid on cramming and rote memorization has been dispensed with.
The evaluation system is informal, comprehensive, non-comparative and based on  continuous  assessment . The reliance on traditional examination system, though not eliminated, has been minimized. The teaching and evaluation process for these classes is designed according to the Early Education Development Programme (E.E.D.P) introduced by the D.A.V Education Board. The programme intends to help children grow, learn and develop physically, socially and emotionally. There are no formal tests and the child is evaluated on the basis of his/her day-to-day performance to check the child’s clarity of concepts. The programme aims to make children feel wanted and loved in order to fulfill their emotional needs and help them adapt to the social environment. One of the primary purposes of the programme is to inculcate positive values through storytelling ,  dramatization, narration, enactments, visits and other such activities. The programme focuses on development of cognitive skills, creativity and imagination. It aims to enhance communication skills of the learner and help in his holistic development and make the entire process of learning an enjoyable experience.
  • The teachers evaluate the performance of the child continuously throughout the year in various areas of learning and prepare a checklist for the same, after the completion of a particular activity.
  • The result of evaluation is graded and intimated to the parents in the form of a Profile (My Personality Development) after every unit.
Unit I : April - August Unit II : September -  November Unit III : December - II Week of March
  • Note Books
  • A Profile (Report Card)
  • Project work/Activity
  • Anecdotal records
The Evaluation System aims at providing holistic education which lays equal emphasis on all aspects of developmnet. Assessment in various parameters helps achieve the aim.
The academic session is divided into two terms
Term I : April - Sept, Term II : Oct - March
Assessment Weightage
Class III-IV
Subject Enrichment Activity + 4 Unit test + 2 Term exams.
Class V-X
Subject Enrichment Activity + 2 Unit test + 2 Term exams.
Details will be provided in the sallabus booklet
It is mandatory for students for secure 33% (27/80) in the Board Examinations of Class X and 33% in the internal assessment i.e. (7/20)
Class XI
Unit Test - 10,      Term I - 10,     Term II - 10,     Final Term - 70
Class XII
As per CBSE guidelines.
Holiday Homework should be submitted on specified dates on reopening after the summer vacations. Work done by students will be given due weightage. Parents may help their wards in procuring data. Marks will be deducted in case of late submission.Holiday Homework will be marked as an FA activity.
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