Ashok Vihar, Ph-III, Delhi-110052

To explore one’s true spirit
Is the essence of this Life’s game Let’s delve and search where we stand
Through art, action and adventure, to find the same.
Lets gear up for yet another season of 'CONCLAVE 2019 - The Annual Saga of Inter-School Competitions of Kulachi Hansraj Model School on 1st May to 3rd May 2019. 'CONCLAVE' provides a vibrant platform to thinking and creative minds to showcase their inherent talents and diverse faculties. CONCLAVE 2019 comprises of Green Gold, Edge and Quest. Green Gold is an attempt to sensitize the young generation towards environmental awareness, Edge enhances the technical aptitude of the learners and Quest seeks to tap diverse co-curricular talent.
Green Gold events will be held on 1st May 2019, Edge events will be held on 2nd May 2019 and Quest events will be held on 3rd May 2019. The lists of the competitions are enclosed herewith and the details are available for your perusal on the school website www.khms.ac.in.
Let your image soar on the wings of poesy
Let your mind seek what is unknown and not easy
Let your hands explore with touch, feel and sense
Let your pen weave magic to spread creative incense
So,lets register ourselves latest by 27th April, 2019. For queries contact the concerned Event Coordinator. We eagerly look forward to your esteemed presence and early confirmation.
Best Regards
Sneh Verma (Ms.)