Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 01/08/2024 Event End Date 25/09/2024

-”A scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions."
Science teachers  attended a workshop titled “Science with a Smile” on September 23, 2024. The workshop focused on engaging, hands-on activities designed to foster critical thinking in students. Teachers thoroughly enjoyed the experience, participating in simple yet effective experiments and exercises that they can use to inspire curiosity and deeper understanding in the classroom. The event highlighted the importance of making science fun and accessible while promoting analytical skills among children.
-“Let PEACE be the only way to live life!”
🕊️Happy International Day of Peace !!! (21 September 2024)🕊️
As a part of HWPL’s (Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light) ‘Peace Campaign’, our students and teachers shared their understanding of peace by putting their thoughts into words. 
This International Day of Peace reminds us that the solutions are in our hands. Cultivating a culture of peace means replacing division, disempowerment, and despair with justice, equality and hope for all.
Let’s strive for a global harmony that transcends borders, races, and religions. 
Let's join hands for a world where diversity is celebrated, and understanding becomes the language that unites us all !!!
#khms #hwpl #peaceproject #internationaldayofpeace #21september2024
-Author Visit at Our School
On August 29th, our school had the privilege of welcoming Ms. Garima Srivastava, a renowned author, poet and an alumna of our school. The event, organized by the Book Club of our school, was a unique opportunity for students to gain insight into the world of writing. 
-"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
On August 28th, 2024, Kulachi Hansraj Model School hosted the induction ceremony of Kulachi Global Club - Generation Global. The ceremony began with a welcome address by Club Coordinator Ms. Princi Girotra, who introduced chief guests Rtr. Shefali Prakash and Rtn. Rtr. Archit Bhatia. The guests illuminated the lamp of knowledge, symbolizing the pursuit of wisdom.
The event featured a series of meaningful activities, including the felicitation of guests with planters and handmade paintings, a report presentation by former President Ipshita Sahoo and former Secretary Palak Girdhar, and a badge pinning ceremony for the new leadership team. Newly elected President Bhavik Gupta outlined the club's future agenda, and the editorial board launched the club's newsletter.
Club Coordinator Ms. Pallavi Marwah expressed gratitude to all in her closing address. The ceremony concluded with an engaging interactive session by special guests from the Rotaract Club of Delhi Heights, which was well-received by the club members.
On Saturday,31 August  2024,the Rotary-Interact Club of KHMS held the much-awaited vaccination camp-a fight against Cervical Cancer! 
Just as we have envisioned the eradiction on polio by striving towards zero cases, so too we can aspire to a world liberated from cervical cancer.
By offering the vaccine of half its standard price, we not only enhance accesibility but affirm our commitment to advance the public health.
Responses has been profoundly encouraging and heartwarming:-
220 children have recieved the initial dose. We celebrate this pivotal moment, looking forward with optimism to next step in our collective journey.
The second dose will be administered in 6 months.
In every journey of ours,let's work hard and make our future viable and safe for all!
- Assembly Report: Living in Harmony
Date: 30 August 2024
Venue:  Auditorium 
Class: 8G and 8H
Today’s assembly focused on the theme “Living in Harmony.” The session began with a prayer, followed by poem and an opening dance ,which emphasised on peace and unity. The assembly highlighted the importance of coexisting peacefully, respecting one another’s differences, and fostering a spirit of cooperation. Students shared insights on how living in harmony contributes to personal happiness and societal progress. Role play , Song and dance mashup were presented to illustrate the positive effects of harmonious living, such as improved relationships and a more supportive community.Students were encouraged to practice empathy, understanding, and kindness in their daily lives. The assembly was a reminder of the value of living together in peace and mutual respect, contributing to a more inclusive and harmonious environment.
-On 30/08/2024, the Abhivyakti Theatre Society of Kulachi Hansraj Model School Ashok Vihar , in association with ‘ Rahul Khanna's Education Through Theatre’ performed a powerful Nukkad Natak titled ‘ Zeher ’ at Prakaram , Children Theatre Festival at Kamani Auditorium , Mandi House. The performance was part of a larger campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping among youth.
Through compelling storytelling, the actors depicted the tragic consequences of vaping, particularly among teenagers, stressing that what may seem like a harmless habit can quickly spiral into a life-threatening addiction.
The realistic portrayal of the pressures faced by young people today resonated deeply with the audience, driving home the message that vaping is a dangerous and avoidable vice.
The use of traditional street theatre techniques in a modern setting allowed the message to reach a diverse audience, making it both entertaining and informative.
Overall, the collaboration between Abhivyakti Theatre Society and Rahul Khanna's Education Through Theatre has proven to be a successful endeavour in using art to address and combat pressing issues among the youth.
 *Gratitude :
Ms.Sneh Verma Ma'am 
Ms. Yashu Chhabra Ma'am 
Mr. Rahul Khanna* 
The students of the science stream of Class XII joined their hands together to present a special assembly on the topic 'Science for better living' on Thursday,29th August 2024.The assembly began by invoking the blessings of God almighty through a classical dance presentation. The students took efforts to talk about artificial intelligence and its impact, about hydrogen as fuel, about advancement in technology that has led to tremendous improvement in farming and medicine. Be it a play that highlighted how the advancement in science has helped solve modern day challenges, or rap song and qawwali that brought forth the beauty and miracles of science, the assembly was complete in itself.
-Fashion and Food Photography Workshop (Paridhan and Health Clubs’ Activity), 24th August 2024, Thursday 
The students of the Fashion Club and the Health and Culinary Club of classes 9th and 10th of Fashion and Food Photography Workshop (Paridhan and Health Clubs’ Activity), 24th August 2024, Thursday 
The students of the Fashion Club and the Health andCulinary Club of classes9th and 10th of Kulachi Hansraj model School attended a fashion and food photography workshop conducted by the senior students and the teacher in charges. All the students tried their hands on clicking photographs of various food items and jewellery pieces along with apparels to achieve an image which can be posted on social media and can also be used for various purposes of print communication. As a part of fashion journalism, photography is a very impactful tool to generate desire responses amongst the target audiences. Our students enthusiastically participated in this workshop and were excited to use their own devices at home to click photographs in the several ways that have been taught to them in this workshop. model School attended a fashion and food photography workshop conducted by the senior students and the teacher in charges. All the students tried their hands on clicking photographs of various food items and jewellery pieces along with apparels to achieve an image which can be posted on social media and can also be used for various purposes of print communication. As a part of fashion journalism, photography is a very impactful tool to generate desire responses amongst the target audiences. Our students enthusiastically participated in this workshop and were excited to use their own devices at home to click photographs in the several ways that have been taught to them in this workshop.
-Cervical Cancer Vaccination Awareness 
On 28th August 2024, the Interactors presented a marketing pitch for the HPV Vaccination in classes 7th-10th. The Interactors put up banners and spread awareness about the vaccine, it's cost and benefits. The main focus of area was the newly launched vaccination for Boys as well!
-In an effort to foster a deeper understanding of peace and security, student members of The Kulachi Global Club-Generation Global, from classes VII and VIII, alongwith the club coordinator Ms Princi Girotra, participated in a video conference on the topic Peace and Security on August 28, 2024. 
The session underscored the vital connection between global peace, security, and individual well-being. Participants delved into current global conflicts, such as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis and the Israel-Palestine conflict, to illustrate the real-world implications of these issues. Through thoughtful discussions and the sharing of personal insights, the students gained a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding peace and security.
This collaborative experience not only broadened their knowledge of global peace and security issues but also enhanced their critical thinking and communication skills, preparing them to contribute positively to the pursuit of a more secure and harmonious world.
The Club Coordinator for VII and VIII, Ms Princi Girotra, and all the participants express their heartfelt gratitude to Ma’am Principal -Mrs. Sneh Verma and Club Incharge Ma’am-Ms. Yashu Chhabra for their support in all club endeavors.
-Report on 7E and F Assembly
Topic: Power of Mantras and Shlokas 
“As in the mind ,so is the speech ; as in the speech ,so is the action.”
Students of Class 7 E and F  presented an inspiring assembly on the topic Power of Mantras and Shlokas.  
The event commenced with a dance on Ganesh Vandana. It allowed students and staff to come together, celebrate, and seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha. Further, a skit was performed by the students to showcase the importance of shlokas and mantras in students life and how they can incorporate them in their day to day life. 
Students also recited some mantras to offer a myriad of spiritual, mental, and physical benefits, drawing upon the vibrational resonance and transformative power of sound.
The assembly culminated with an electrifying dance performance where in the students channelised their determination and resilience to persist despite the hurdles.
On Saturday ,24 August 2024 the Rotary-Interact club of KHMS held an informative session on “Cervical Cancer Awareness”.Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern, with substantial impacts on women’s health globally. .Awareness and education are important in combating this disease .
In today’s session we were guided by  Dr. Shivani Sabbharwal (senior gynaecologist at Jeevan Mala Hospital) and Dr. Jyoti Bali ( director of Baby Soon Fertility And IVF Centre). 
They threw light on Cervical Cancer and its various aspects highlighting key issues about the health. 
They also enlightened us on new vaccines for different strains of the HPV virus and HPV vaccination along with its impacts, how the parents could help and create awareness and also the right age of vaccination. The session aimed to educate participants on recognizing and preventing cervical cancer effectively.
 In total we received around 250 registrations and enthusiasm from many parents with their active participation and questions.
 The battle against cervical cancer requires collective action and unwavering commitment. Together we can make strides towards eradicating cervical cancer and improving quality of life for those affected!
- हास्य काव्यांजलि
दिनांक :- 23.8.2024 को हिंदी काव्य विधा के प्रति विद्यार्थियों में रुचि जागृत करने एवं अभिप्रेरणा हेतु अंतर कक्षा प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें कक्षा दसवीं के विद्यार्थियों ने हास्य काव्य पाठ प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया। कुल 18 प्रतिभागियों ने बहुत ही उत्साह और आत्मविश्वास के साथ एक-एक हास्य कविता का सस्वर वाचन किया। प्रतियोगिता के परिणाम किस प्रकार हैं - 
प्रथम - आयुष्मान सिंह X H
द्वितीय - गीतांजलि X D
तृतीय - अंकिता झा X B
- Inter Class German Competition in Cambridge 7-8 was held on 22 August 2024. It was a resounding success, showcasing the creativity and artistic talents of the participants as well as their language skills. The participants demonstrated exceptional skill and imagination in their designs to create unique and captivating book marks and brochures. It provided a platform for self-expression and  fostered a sense of friendly competition and camaraderie among participants. The entries were evaluated on the parameters of creative aspects of the artwork, as well as its overall impact and relevance to the competition theme.
-Das war die richtige Zeit, ihr Talent zu zeigen 
The Inter Class German Competition for classes 9-10 was held on 22 August 2024. The young German Learners participated enthusiastically and exhibited their vision and creativity on the themes of ' Famous Festivals in Germany' and 'Importance of Learning a Foreign Language'.
The entries were evaluated on the basis of their originality, adherence to the theme and German Language Skills. The competition provided a platform to German Learners to express themselves in a creative way.
-Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is an international peace NGO founded for global peace and cessation of war. HWPL is a non-governmental organisation registered with the Seoul Metropolitan Government of the Republic of Korea. It is associated with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 
In keeping with the spirit of the Declaration of World Peace, HWPL aims to achieve world peace through heavenly culture and restore the global community with light, by carrying out peace activities all across the world. Keeping up with the objectives of HWPL, students of class X participated in an inter-class competition. They exhibited their creative skills by showcasing their understanding of peace. It was a pleasure to interact with them and know their perspective on peace. Their creative exhibits were a delight as got a glimpse of peace through their eyes. Every little effort goes a long way in nurturing the future citizens of the country. What matters is that they gave thought to the idea of peace and how important it is for an enriching future! One student participated from each section of class X representing their class. 
HWPL’s peace activities will continue until sustainable peace is assured for future generations!
#everyeffortcounts #onestepatatime #hwpl #khms #peace
-“Alone we can do so little,but together we can do so much!”
The Interact Club of KHMS held a campaign for the GOONJ organisation for their RAHAT campaign.Students of the Primary and Senior Wing joined hands and contributed towards this noble cause. We have collected as many as 25 boxes of various items-from stationaries to kitchen utilities.
Members of the GOONJ organisation were welcomed to our school on 16th August 2024 in a small ceremony. The core team of the club,along with Principal ma'am,Headmistress ma'am teacher coordinators and the guests of the day got some photographs clicked with the collection.
Our guests of honour, Ms. Pooja and Ms. Sonung addressed the students-telling them about the importance of contributing,the operational apparatus of their organisation as well as some fun and engaging activities. The students were also elaborated upon the founding principles of GOONJ and future agenda, various programmes run by the organisation,such as RAHAT,Cloth for Work(CFW) among others.All attendees  were given small cloth bags as souvenirs-a reminder to keep contributing and working towards social welfare! 
We extend our heartiest gratitude to Principal ma'am,teacher coordinators and all the students who conceived the possibility of such a campaign at a large scale .
-The Rotary Club (The Interact Club) of Kulachi Hansraj Model School took a step forward to educate the girls about Cervical Cancer and its preventions. The resource person Ms Yogita openly talked about the simple steps to be followed in their daily lives to be in the safe zone.
Awareness about the HPV and Pap test was given to the students. Cervical Cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally. The highest rates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality are in low- and middle-income countries , so today at kulachi, children got the real opportunity to  know-how  to save lives from cervical cancer - one of the most highly preventable and curable forms of cancer.Yet the reality is that a woman is more likely to die from cervical cancer simply because of her economic status and where she lives. Effective cervical prevention, screening and management are available, but not to all.
We can no longer ignore cervical cancer as a global health issue nor can we continue to overlook the unnecessary deaths that arise from socioeconomic disparities and stigma. To tolerate these systemic inequities would be one of the most grievous offenses against the fundamental rights of all girls and women
Girls from class 9th & 10th were made aware the causes, symptoms & prevention for the same disease and were also asked to spread its awareness not only among their age groups but also were asked to talk & spread awareness about the same to all the women around them.
-*Planting a Sapling, Nurturing Hope!* ✨🌱
The Induction Ceremony of Vasundhara - The Eco Club of KHMS took place on 17th August 2024. Our esteemed Principal, Ms. Sneh Verma, along with honored guests, graced the occasion by planting saplings as symbols of peace and humanity in Ashoka Park. 
In an effort to combat climate change , we participated in the “#Plant4Mother” plantation drive. This initiative is not just about planting trees—it’s about nurturing a deep connection with Mother Earth and taking actionable steps to preserve her beauty and resources for future generations. We planted 45 saplings of plants like Arjun, Shisham,  Amaltas, Neem, Sahjan,  Pilkhan etc.
The Induction ceremony commenced with the Lighting of the Lamp, followed by a captivating dance performance and a melodious musical presentation to warmly welcome our guests Dr. B.C.Sabata, Senior Scientific Officer (Retd.), Deptt of Environment, Govt of NCT Delhi
Mr. Vishwas Mangal,  Additional Director of Horticulture Deptt.
A key highlight of the event was the formal transfer of leadership to the new cabinet. The new cabinet pledged to uphold the club's vision of inspiring students to lead and advocate for green initiatives. The team was inducted with badges as a symbol of their commitment.
Vasundhara expresses heartfelt gratitude to our Principal Ms Sneh Verma for her  unwavering support and guidance in all club endeavors. Together, we continue to strive for a greener, more sustainable future! 💫
- “Unity in diversity is the hallmark of a vibrant nation." - APJ Abdul Kalam
🟣Tilak House students of KHMS celebrated Sadbhavana Diwas on 23rd Aug 2023 with great zeal, commemorating the 79th birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The event, held in the school auditorium, aimed to promote national integration, peace, and communal harmony among India's diverse communities. Through creative expressions like self-composed poems, group songs, a heart-wrenching play, and a finale dance, students showcased their commitment to these values. At the end of the program we all took a pledge to foster unity, love, and understanding among people of all religions and languages, reflecting the true spirit of India.

-KHMS Book Club Induction Ceremony 📚

We're thrilled to announce the official lineup for our Book Club Cabinet, ready to take our literary adventures to new heights!
The club’s induction ceremony was conducted on 3rd of August, in which the official Cabinet and other members were decorated with badges by Madam Principal-Mrs. Sneh Verma and Club Incharge Madam Yashu Chhabra.
Winners of various competitions like Readathon 1.0, Bribooks Young Authors’ Fair and Zee Mindwars Spell Bee were also felicitated by Madam Vandita Shukla (Supervisory Incharge-IX-X) with certificates. 
Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming events as our team gears up for a fantastic year ahead! 
#BookClub #LiteraryExcellence #MeetTheTeam

-Report - Independence Day Activity 

Class- 7th and 8th 
🇮🇳🇮🇳Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words and pride in our souls.🇮🇳🇮🇳
Let’s salute the nation on this INDEPENDENCE DAY
The students of class 7 and 8th actively participated in Best Out Of Waste Activity on the occasion of Independence Day. We were amazed by the innovative thoughts and creativity of our children. We feel proud to say that this young generation is here to bring a positive change in the society and preserve our Mother Nature and its resources very responsibly by making the best use of waste material. They truly are the global citizens in making.


-A Salute to 78 years of glory 

“The Tricolour soars, not with the wind, but with the last breaths of every soldier who died protecting it's honour”
The morning of 12th August 2024 saw Kulachi Hansraj Model School all decorated in the three colours -saffron, white and green as we celebrated 78 years of our independence. The national anthem echoed as Madam Principal hoisted the National Flag. A well worded speech of a student highlighted the importance of the day and conveyed to all as to how we can be proved to be true Indians. A beautiful poem was recited on the true meaning of freedom. The school choir sang dulcet tunes and finally, our dancers gave a tribute to the soldiers who continue to safeguard our freedom my presenting a scintilating dance.

-In celebration of India’s 78th Independence Day, the Generation Global Club organized an exciting inter-class competition, CLEANATHON 1.0 - स्वच्छ कुलाची अभियान, for students of classes IX and X. The event promotes cleanliness and environmental responsibility wherein each class was required to bring its own cleaning kit, which may have included items like cleaning cloths and liquids, small brooms, protective gear, and waste disposal materials. 

The competition involves a daily assessment of classroom cleanliness right after recess, running from 9 August to 15 August 2024. 
The cleanest class shall be rewarded with the prestigious Blooming Class Badge in the following week’s  morning assembly.

-Vasundhara Club - Educational Trip

Date - August 9 , 2024
Time - 9 am to 3 pm
Venue - Mahatma Gandhi Institute for combating climate change, (MGICC), (Govt. of NCT of Delhi)
Training Programme on Waste to Energy
’’Turning waste into energy is not just about managing waste; it's about transforming our approach to resources, proving that even the discarded holds value and power."
The training programme in Mahatma Gandhi Institute for combating climate change, affiliated with government of NCT of Delhi conducted a highly enriching and an enthralling program for children of Vasundhara Club. 
It was wonderful to hear about the focus on environmental awareness and sustainability in the program. By teaching children about the importance of converting waste into energy and emphasizing that waste does not exist in nature, they tried to shape a generation that values and understands the importance of sustainability.
The visit to the Energy Park was both educational and exciting for the children. Seeing technologies like windmill, solar heater, and improved chulhas in action really brought the concepts of renewable energy to life for them. It’s great that these hands-on experiences left such a positive impression on children!!

- Class XIICommerce

Special Assembly
Commerce sections of Class XII
presented a special assembly on 8th
August,2024 on the topic Digital Payment.
The program started with a Stand up Act highlighting the lighter side of digital payment.It was followed by a small skit showcasing the changes in our lives due to digitalisation. A talk show was also presented to make everyone aware of the perils of digital payments and the steps needed to safeguard oneself from all fraudulent activities.The program was summed up with a small song on the theme. It was both an informative and entertaining program.

-Students of Class 10 D, E, and F presented an inspiring assembly on Sustainable Development Goals 8, 9, and 11. The event commenced emphasising on the importance of sustainability and human rights. The highlight was the play "Hamari Adalat," featuring a student as Nitin Gadkari, who is serving as road transport and highway minister of India. He was surrounded with questions by an other student posing as “INDIA TV” CHAIRMAN AND EDITOR IN CHIEF, MR RAJAT SHARMA, discussing the role of SDG 8 decent work and economic growth; SDG 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure and SDG 11 sustainable cities and economies. The interactive session saw students posing insightful questions about economic opportunities and urban development.

The assembly included a dynamic dance performance and a poignant poem reflecting on the financial struggles. The school choir's rendition of "Mera Desh Badal Raha Hai" beautifully encapsulated the themes of change and progress. The event culminated with a finale dance and a motivating vote of thanks, leaving the audience inspired to contribute to a sustainable future!

-Class Assembly

Class – VIII E and F 
Topic: Life on Land and Underwater (Date: 5.8.2024)
The assembly programme began with a welcome address by the representatives of the class highlighting the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity of life on our planet. The first presentation showcased the Chipko movement and its impact. The speakers discussed the various problems that the people  face  due to cutting down of trees and use of plastic which is affecting marine life. They also discussed sustainable development goals 14 and 15. The audience was engaged with interactive quizzes testing their knowledge about the Earth's surface. The memerising musical performance of the band was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all. The assembly programme concluded with a call to action, encouraging the audience to take responsibility for protecting and preserving our planet's precious resources. The students were inspired to make a positive impact on their environment and to respect and appreciate the incredible diversity of life on land and underwater!
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