Providing Exponential Learning

School Rules  

All Kulachians are expected:

  • to conduct themselves with dignity.
  • to bring the school Almanac on every working day.
  • to be present for the prayer (assembly).
  • to be punctual in attending the school. Habitual late coming may call for disciplinary action including being sent back home and being marked absent. On such occasions the school shall not be responsible for the safe return of students.
  • to attain at least 75% attendance in each term. The percentage may be relaxed on genuine medical grounds only.
  • to ensure that the record of absence in the school almanac is filled by the parents for each day of absence, clearly stating the reason for absence.
  • to respect all school property. Keep the school clean. No student should, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others or to the institution. All damages will have to be compensated by the students.
  • to be environment-friendly (care for plants and desist from littering school premises, using polybags, etc.)
  • to be courteous and respect staff and fellow students.
  • to refrain from unruly behaviour like running in the corridors, shouting and shrieking in school premises or aggressive behaviour towards peers.
  • to move in a single line and not crowd outside classrooms in-between periods. Leave the class only with a class pass issued by the teacher, which will authorize a student to be out of the class for a valid reason.
  • to address bearers, peons, ayahs, guards and drivers by their name , with a “bhaiya or didi” suffixed.
  • not to use any personal conveyance like scooty/scooters/bikes to commute to school.
  • not to bring expensive and fancy goods to school. Objects like CDs, I-pods, Mobile phones, Pokemon and WWF cards for playing or for exchange purposes is strictly forbidden.
  • not to indulge in fighting, disrupting or missing classes, using abusive language, playing truant, lying, cheating, stealing, bursting crackers, splashing colours, insulting others and being callous and uncaring towards the elderly and the needy.
  • to refrain any form of physical aggression (birthday bumps, ragging, bullying) which can lead to immediate suspension.
  • not to bring gifts, presents or return gifts to school to mark his/her birthday or for any other occasion. Students should carry only toffees for distribution in his/her section only.
  • not to bring sports equipment without prior permission of the Physical Education teacher.
  • to appear in all the assessments / examinations. Absence for reasons other than medical will not be considered and no re-assessment shall be conducted for the same.


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DELHI - 110052
Ph: 011-47091581, 011-47091582
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://.khms.ac.in

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