Providing Exponential Learning

Code Of Conduct  
  • Be regular and punctual. Ensure that you reach school by 7.55 a.m and on coming late fine will be charged. In case you want to avail leave, kindly get it sanctioned from the class teacher.
  • Attend school in proper, smart and neat uniform.
  • Do not leave the classroom without a class pass. Take care of the school property and ensure that the desks/furniture/ walls etc. are not scratched or damaged.
  • Lending/borrowing money or any expensive article is not permitted within school premises.
  • Library books should be taken care of and returned on time. Any damage/loss of the books will be paid for by the borrower.
  • Due respect should be shown to the Prefects, Class Monitors and Students on duty.
  • Any movement to the playground/assembly/SUPW/ activity/library should be orderly and in a disciplined manner.
  • Shouting/Fighting or indulging in unruly behaviour in the school premises is forbidden.
  • Kindly help in maintaining cleanliness and throw waste/ papers etc. in the specified dustbins.
  • Facilities of canteen/book shop/tailor shop may be utilized only during recess or before school hours.
  • Any student found with expensive jewellery/mobile phone / CDs/Objectionable articles/ self driven car or scooter shall be subjected to fine and confiscation of the above mentioned articles.
  • Proper decorum should be maintained while singing National Anthem/Vande Matram/School Prayers as a mark of patriotism.
  • Students should not carry any sharp objects like blade, knife, paper cutter etc. as they can prove to be harmful.
  • Bunking classes and absenting oneself from test will be dealt with strictly and fine will be charged.
  • Possession of crackers/bursting crackers/playing with colours in the school is strictly forbidden.
  • Entering school without proper uniform even after school hours to strictly prohibited.


Do's And Don'ts
Do's Don'ts
Come to school well groomed, in proper uniform with well polished shoes. Do not lend or borrow money or any other precious article.
Be regular in attendance and never be late to school. Do not involve yourself in feuds.
Attend Morning Assembly without fail. Do not bunk classes.
Bring the student diary to school daily. Do not use abusive language.
Keep your class room and school premises clean and tidy. Do not damage the school property.
Turn off the tap after use. Do not bring gadgets, such as, mobile phones, iPods, MP3s etc. They are strictly prohibited in the school premises.
Switch off fans and lights when not in use. Do not bring articles of value like jewellery to school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of such articles.
Be fair and honest at work, always be considerate of the rights of others. Do not absent yourself from school. 75% attendance is the minimum requirement. Presence in the school is mandatory except in cases of emergency.
Be courteous and respectful to parents, teachers and elders. Do not make loud noise or create confusion in the class room, auditorium or elsewhere in the school building.


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DELHI - 110052
Ph: 011-47091581, 011-47091582
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://.khms.ac.in

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