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The  Fit India Movement School Week from 18-25 January organised for the students of the school as a celebration, as a part of our daily life and family life with   children of the whole school showcasing their sporting talent during the week. 

Fit India Movement is a nation-wide movement in India to encourage people to remain healthy and fit by including physical activities and sports in their daily lives. It was launched by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in New Delhi on 29 August 2019.
At Kulachi Hansraj Model School, we believe that fitness through sports and physical activities is the secret of good health. We seek create health awareness from an early age in order to ensure a disease free future, for the young adults of the nation with an energetic  sports curriculum. 
We have always included sports, games and regular exercises in the school curriculum. Even during the pandemic,students were asked to exercise regularly, play recreational sports, perform yoga  and eat a healthy diet to stay fit. Activity classes for sports, yoga and aerobics are being conducted, even during the online school. 
“Fitness is zero percent investment with infinite returns"said Principal Ms Sneh Verma in the welcome address inaugurating the virtual Sports week of the school. Living a healthy lifestyle can inspire creativity and teach you discipline, adaptability and balance. 
On Day 1 , students of classes 5&6 presented some wonderful exercise regimens ,energetic aerobics and techniques of games like cricket, football, skipping and basketball.
The young students of classes 3 &4  presented the supreme art of Yoga which helps control the mind, body and soul. On Day 3 of the Fit India the students  emphasized the belief that yoga is not just an exercise, rather yoga is life.  With  various asanas like suksham asana, pranyam and suryanamaskaar  they explained that  it helps achieve an epitome of control and reach towards vimukti. A deeply meditative presentation it was an epitome of the Fit India Movement as envisaged by our Honourable Prime minister and implemented by the school.
Fitness is not a destination, it's a way of life . Fitness is zero investment with infinite returns. On Day 4 of the Fit India School Week, the young sports enthusiasts of Classes 1 & 2 showcased the importance of warm up exercises in a well rounded exercise routine .They displayed the exercises which are a part of School PT time and  aeerobic exercises too.Presentation of various conventional Indian traditional games like hopscotch, pitthu, poshampa , lattu , cart wheel highlighted the role of sports as a great connector .
The event was indeed a great one as it highlighted that Sports and games are the right avenues to channelize the energy and vitality of students and at the same time teach them discipline, adaptability and balance and grow them as healthy future Indians. It inspired everyone to go the extra mile and be physically active to remain fit and healthy.
Today was the culmination of ‘Fit India Movement Week’ which started on 18 January 2021. Students of classes 7 and 8 will concluded the week long celebrations with a vibrant and musical presentation on the theme ‘Stay Healthy, Stay Happy’!
The program commenced with invoking blessings of the supreme being. The presentation was replete with knowledge and apprised about the need to be conscious about fitness through various elements like Yoga, Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, Running, Basic Exercises, NCC etc. We must consciously follow a disciplined lifestyle with eating healthy and exercising regularly. 
Students tried their best to spread awareness through their compiled videos on fitness integrating health with art. 
The Covid-19 pandemic is an eye opener for all of us. We all must work towards living a healthy life. Do not forget to wash your hands, wear mask and follow social distancing till we are not declared completely covid free. We have to adapt to the new normal and taking care of health as well as following the norms is a must.
Stay healthy, stay happy. After all, your body is the only place you have live in!

DAY 1 : Morning Assembly - Yoga For All    

Yoga and Fitness Activities were condeucted for the students of the school to inculcate a healthy lifestyle and incorporate yoga in their everyday lives. Such assemblies and exercises are a part of the regular curriculum and take place through out the year.


DAY 2 : Morning Assembly Free Hands Exercises for all

              Mental Fitness Activities

Morning Assembly on Aerobics and Free Hand Exercises was conducted for the students. Inter-House and Inter-Class activities like poster making, debate, poem recitation on Mental Health was organised for the studemts.


DAY 3 : Poster Making Competition - 'Fit Body- Fit Mind- Fit Environment

Poster Making Competition for students of classes V to X was organised on the theme- Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body. Students prepared

posters and displayed them in their classes. 


DAY 4: Physical Activities for all students including Dance, Aerobics, Yoga, Martial Arts, Gardening Etc.



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